BMIX Gives Shareholders the Scrooge Treatment

December 24, 2016: Just in time for the traditional Christmas slap in the face, shareholders in Brazil Minerals, Inc. (BMIX), a long time pumping and dumping stock fraud, will find their stockings a more barren, thanks to a one for 500 reverse stock split to be executed on December 29.

Notice of the intent to screw the shareholders was filed with the Nevada Secretary of State on December 15, 2016.

BMIX is a long time share selling scheme pretending to be a producer of diamonds and gold and other fantasy minerals. Since October 2014, the number of common shares issued and outstanding has grown from 84,622,214 to 12,797,376,461, as last reported on November 30, 2016.  For all of its stock give aways, the company still reports very little in the way of tangible assets, but much in the way of liabilities, assuring continued churning out of new certificates.

In a December 16th press release announcing the IPO of subsidiary, Jupiter Gold, BMIX conveniently "forgot" to inform its shareholders of the intent to sodomize them, presumably choosing to keep the reverse split a holiday surprise.