Big Money Mike Butchers His Few Remaining Followers
While Committing a Felony or Two

One would think that it is only a matter of time before Big Money Mike is invited to pay a visit to the authorities for his flagrant violation of every rule in the book

May 10, 2016: Only the newest of newbie penny stock players or the naivest of the naive found it surprising that once again tweeting pump and dump artist, Big Money Mike, has scammed his followers. It seems appropriate that this time he employed Bill The Butcher, Inc. (BILB) to slaughter his entourage.

   » Related: "Big Money Mike" Ready to Throw Followers Under The Bus Yet Again With His CNCT Pump

BMM's selection of BILB as his conduit to rob followers is as ludicrous as his methods. BILB is a dead ticker, abandoned by its officers, having issued no financials reports in almost two years and traded by appointment just prior to the front-loading that preceded this pump. The company's last press release was on January 27, 2014.

BILB's prospects for success ended when CEO J'Amy Owens reportedly milked the company's banking account to pay for her lavish home and employees were left stranded without paychecks.

A nonexistent company was not the brightest choice for BMM's newest scheme, but was probably his only option as it is doubtful that anyone would pay for his services considering his past failed pumps.

Late Sunday night we received the following email from BMM, who is famous for his "King Kong Alerts".

Every sentence in this email is felonious in that it violates securities fraud laws. Most notable is the allegation of a nonexistent short position.

Over the two days in which BMM pumped BILB, shares never traded higher than $.008, a that trade executed just 7 seconds after Monday's open, rendering the $.015 "pre market" prediction ridiculous. Just as silly was the "no questions asked" prediction of a $.10+ share price. Obviously, "the biggest short squeeze u ever seen" never materialized. Why? Because there was a short position of exactly zero shares at the start of the pump, and that is likely still the case. We would bet that BMM is not receiving the prognosticated thanks he was expecting today, but likely receiving messages to the contrary.

As usual, BMM's pumping effort was focused on his Twitter followers, purported to be numbered at 2.68 million, but we expect that at least 2.6 million of those are "bought" followers from services such as this one. Nevertheless, BMM was tweeting like a maniac on his own Twitter page as well as his sister page Stocks On High Alerts, where the repetitive tweets came fast and furiously--he retweeted the same image every minute or two relentlessly for two days as we show in the example to the right-- and he spammed hundreds of other tickers, something that is against Twitter's Terms of Service, but was overlooked even though we reported the spam at least a dozen times.

   » Related: "Big Money Mike" Ready to Throw Followers Under The Bus Yet Again With His CNCT Pump

The tweets were also in violation of securities laws because BMM knowingly made false, misleading and unsubstantiated promises including that: a big announcement was forthcoming from the company; shares were about to reach $.10; and, a $500 investment would be turned into $5,000+.

Having correctly come to the conclusion that nobody beyond the staunchest of his followers was interested in his latest scam, today BMM decided to cut his losses and unload his front-loaded shares. By 10:00am, every BILB related tweet was deleted, a feeble attempt to destroy the evidence of his frantic touting. A small bloodbath ensued as shares closed the day 76% below yesterday's opening trade. While most would characterize a 76% decline as a catastrophe, the damage was tempered by the fact that over the two day pump only $35K worth of stock was traded, a testament to those savvy to BMM's ways.

   » Related: Big Money Mike Is Exposed In This Informative Video

BMM's front-loading of BILB shares becomes evident by looking at the trading in the stock over the last three months. Shares had traded sporadically for over a year, generally at just a few hundredths of a penny. Activity picked up on March 17 when shares gained 300% for no apparent reason. We presume that this is when BMM decided that BILB would become his next pump and dump subject. The share price was walked-up--through a series of buys, wash trades or likely both--over the three weeks leading up to the announcement of BMM's "pick". Front-loading and wash trading are a big no-no with the SEC and will sooner or latter be the undoing of Big Money Mike.

BILB Closing Prices

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